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SDLNie, toto nie je prešmyčka na hodine slovenského jazyka, kde úlohou žiakov je posledné písmeno vložiť pred prvé písmeno. A aj ten jazyk by sa tam hodil. Je to ďalšia grafická knižnica (Simple DirectMedia Layer). Domovská stránka na http://www.libsdl.org/index.php poskytne bližšie informácie, download zdrojového paklíka (v marci 2003 verzia 1.2.5) a tiež množstva aplikácií vyžadujúcich túto knižnicu.Zaujímavé sú najmä dva súbory:
Inštalácia SDLSkopírujeme a štandardne rozbalíme paklíky niekde v domovskom adresári. $ tar xfz mano_paklika.tar.gz Vhupneme do podadresára SDL-1.2.5 a štandardne nainštalujeme knižnicu (./configure, make, (root) make install). Použitie SDL#include <SDL/SDL.h>$ gcc -o Priklad_1 Priklad_1.cc `sdl-config --libs` Príklad_1.cc/** Priklad_1 pre vyuzitie * kniznice SDL */ #include <SDL/SDL.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { SDL_Surface *screen; SDL_Color colors[256]; SDL_Rect *obluda; Uint32 farba; int i; printf("Inicializacia SDL\n"); /* defaultne nastavenie grafiky, zvuku a casovaca */ if((SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_AUDIO|SDL_INIT_TIMER)==-1)) { printf("Mam problem s inicializaciou SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return(-1); } printf("SDL je inicializovana\n"); /* nastavenie grafickeho modu 640x480x8 */ screen=SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_ANYFORMAT); if(!screen){ printf("Mam problem s nastavenim video modu: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return(-1); } for(i=0;i<256;i++){ colors[i].r=i; colors[i].g=i; colors[i].b=i; } farba=SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00); SDL_SetColors(screen, colors, 0, 256); SDL_SetPalette(screen, SDL_LOGPAL|SDL_PHYSPAL, colors, 0, 256); SDL_FillRect(screen, obluda, farba); SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 160, 120, 320, 240); SDL_Delay(2000); printf("Koncime ...\n"); SDL_Quit(); printf("Skoncili sme\n"); return(0); } $ gcc -o Priklad_1 Priklad_1.cc `sdl-config --libs` Podrobnejšie viď. manuálové stránky, napríklad: SDL_GetVideoSurface - returns a pointer to the
current display surface
SDL_GetVideoInfo - returns a pointer to
information about the video hardware
SDL_VideoDriverName - Obtain the name of the video
SDL_ListModes - Returns a pointer to an array
of available screen dimensions for the given format and video flags
SDL_VideoModeOK - Check to see if a particular
video mode is supported.
SDL_SetVideoMode - Set up a video mode with the
specified width, height and bits-per-pixel.
SDL_UpdateRect - Makes sure the given area is
updated on the given screen.
SDL_UpdateRects - Makes sure the given list of
rectangles is updated on the given screen.
SDL_Flip Swaps screen buffers
SDL_SetColors - Sets a portion of the colormap
for the given 8-bit surface.
SDL_SetPalette - Sets the colors in the palette
of an 8-bit surface.
SDL_SetGamma - Sets the color gamma function
for the display
SDL_GetGammaRamp - Gets the color gamma lookup
tables for the display
SDL_SetGammaRamp - Sets the color gamma lookup
tables for the display
SDL_MapRGB - Map a RGB color value to a
pixel format.
SDL_MapRGBA - Map a RGBA color value to a
pixel format.
SDL_GetRGB - Get RGB values from a pixel in
the specified pixel format.
SDL_GetRGBA - Get RGBA values from a pixel in
the specified pixel format.
SDL_CreateRGBSurface - Create an empty SDL_Surface
SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom - Create an SDL_Surface from
pixel data
SDL_FreeSurface - Frees (deletes) a SDL_Surface
SDL_LockSurface - Lock a surface for directly
SDL_UnlockSurface - Unlocks a previously locked
SDL_LoadBMP - Load a Windows BMP file into an
SDL_SaveBMP - Save an SDL_Surface as a
Windows BMP file.
SDL_SetColorKey - Sets the color key (transparent
pixel) in a blittable surface and RLE acceleration.
SDL_SetAlpha - Adjust the alpha properties of
a surface
SDL_SetClipRect - Sets the clipping rectangle for
a surface.
SDL_GetClipRect - Gets the clipping rectangle for
a surface.
SDL_ConvertSurface - Converts a surface to the same
format as another surface.
SDL_BlitSurface - This performs a fast blit from
the source surface to the destination surface.
SDL_FillRect - This function performs a fast
fill of the given rectangle with some color
SDL_DisplayFormat - Convert a surface to the
display format
SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha - Convert a surface to the
display format
SDL_WarpMouse - Set the position of the mouse
SDL_CreateCursor - Creates a new mouse cursor.
SDL_FreeCursor - Frees a cursor created with
SDL_SetCursor - Set the currently active mouse
SDL_GetCursor - Get the currently active mouse
SDL_ShowCursor - Toggle whether or not the
cursor is shown on the screen.
SDL_GL_LoadLibrary - Specify an OpenGL library
SDL_GL_GetProcAddress - Get the address of a GL function
SDL_GL_GetAttribute - Get the value of a special
SDL/OpenGL attribute
SDL_GL_SetAttribute - Set a special SDL/OpenGL
SDL_GL_SwapBuffers - Swap OpenGL framebuffers/Update
SDL_CreateYUVOverlay - Create a YUV video overlay
SDL_LockYUVOverlay - Lock an overlay
SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay - Unlock an overlay
SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay - Blit the overlay to the display
SDL_FreeYUVOverlay - Free a YUV video overlay
SDL_GLattr - SDL GL Attributes
SDL_Rect - Defines a rectangular area
SDL_Color - Format independent color
SDL_Palette - Color palette for 8-bit pixel
SDL_PixelFormat - Stores surface format
SDL_Surface - Graphical Surface Structure
SDL_VideoInfo - Video Target information
SDL_Overlay - YUV video overlay
Je vhodné prezrieť si hlavičkáre v adresári /usr/include/SDL/ pred includnutím. <SDL/begin_code.h>
<SDL/close_code.h> <SDL/SDL_active.h> <SDL/SDL_audio.h> <SDL/SDL_byteorder.h> <SDL/SDL_cdrom.h> <SDL/SDL_copying.h> <SDL/SDL_endian.h> <SDL/SDL_error.h> <SDL/SDL_events.h> <SDL/SDL_getenv.h> <SDL/SDL.h> <SDL/SDL_image.h> <SDL/SDL_joystick.h> <SDL/SDL_keyboard.h> <SDL/SDL_keysym.h> <SDL/SDL_main.h> <SDL/SDL_mixer.h> <SDL/SDL_mouse.h> <SDL/SDL_mutex.h> <SDL/SDL_net.h> <SDL/SDL_opengl.h> <SDL/SDL_quit.h> <SDL/SDL_rwops.h> <SDL/SDL_syswm.h> <SDL/SDL_thread.h> <SDL/SDL_timer.h> <SDL/SDL_types.h> <SDL/SDL_version.h> <SDL/SDL_video.h> |
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